According to the World Tourism Organization, the top ten countries with the most international tourist arrivals in 2019 were?

According to the World Tourism Organization, the top ten countries with the most international tourist arrivals in 2019 were?



United States of America







United Kingdom

It is worth noting that international tourism has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and these rankings may have changed in recent years.

Most tourists came to India

India is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world due to its diverse culture, history, and natural beauty. With over 15 million international tourist arrivals, India is the world's ninth most-visited country in 2019, according to World Tourism Organization data. Some of the most popular tourist destinations in India include the Taj Mahal, the Golden Temple, and the beaches of Goa. Other popular attractions include the Himalayan mountain range, the backwaters of Kerala, and the wildlife sanctuaries of Madhya Pradesh.

10 most difficult roads in the world

It is difficult to definitively rank the "most complicated roads" in the world because road complexity can be subjective and depends on a variety of factors such as terrain, weather conditions, and traffic levels. However, here is a list of ten roads that are known for their complexity or challenging conditions:

(1) Karakoram Highway (Pakistan)

(2) Highway 1 (Australia)

(3) Zoji La Pass (India)

(4) Road of Death (Bolivia)

(5) James W. Dalton Highway (Alaska, USA)

(6) Nairobi-Thika Highway (Kenya)

(7) Trans-Siberian Highway (Russia)

(8) Stelvio Pass (Italy)

(9) Guoliang Tunnel Road (China)

(10) Furka Pass (Switzerland)

It is important to note that these roads can be dangerous and should be traveled with caution. It is always advised to plan carefully and be prepared for the challenges that these roads can present.